Probably the most time consuming project I've ever completed. I started this dress 2 years ago, and worked on it on and off.
I linked the tabs the same way as you do with chainmail, but I crochet them together instead of using jump rings.
Needless to say, it's like my baby now.
And it was a pretty kick-ass prom dress!

oh, and I made my friend/date a matching tie :)

I made this dress for my homecoming last year. It is made of juice pouches. The bodice is woven and the skirt is pleated.
I was pretty uncomfortable, but it was totally worth it!

A while back I made a few dresses and had my friends model and photograph them.
So here's the series.

I had an old pair of canvas shoes, they were kind of cute, but I also had an AP
Studio Art assignment to make. I figured cans were readily available (too bad I don't like soda) and how hard could it be to sew 'em on to shoes,
It took forever! I used a push pin to make
holes that I could pull a needle through. So needless to say, I spent many
hours on these babes.
But then I finished!
Then I found
that they crinkle really loudly if I wear them, thus they will be for
display purposes only. At least they're pretty...

My father had received this coat as a gift (for Christmas or something), but
he had no use for it. Luckily for me, I just so happened to need a new coat
(need, want, same difference right?)
But alas, it was much too
large :(
Enter some fabric, lace, scissors, and too much free
time :)
I tried to make this a cape like thing. I cut off the
sleeves, cut the sides, front, and back open. Then I sewed in the lace with a
fabric backing (for warmth)
The jeans are also reconstructed
from three ill-fitting jeans.

This is a t-shirt reconstruction I did a few years ago. I got this shirt
from Mondo's online store (for those of you familiar with project runway season
Anyway, I beaded an outline around the panda, cut the
sleeves, cut out a new neckline, and put some ribbon along the back (and a
little bow).
I figured I could use some more sparkly fun.